The Fitz

Charlotte Steele (SA) & Russell Breslauer (USA) - November 2022
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

On the 10th of November, 1975, the Edmund Fitzgerald, one of the largest ships to ever sail the Great Lakes of North America, departed Wisconsin to sail across Lake Superior en route to Detroit, Michigan. But as she left port, she sailed directly into a vicious November storm and sank with all hands on board. The Fitz sank on the Canadian side of Lake Superior, and Gordon Lightfoot’s song is a fitting tribute to 29 brave Americans. RIP mariners.

Intro: 16 counts; start on vocals. No Tags or Restarts.

S1: Nightclub Basic R-L. Turn ¼ R. Rock L Fwd. Turn ½ L-Step. Step-Turn ½ L.
1-2&Long step R to right side, drag L into a back rock, (&) recover onto R
3-4&Long step L to left side, drag R into a back rock, (&) recover onto L
5&6Turn 1/4 right (3:00) and step R fwd, rock fwd on L, recover onto R
7&8Turn 1/2 left (9:00) and step L fwd, step R fwd, turn 1/2 left (3:00) (weight to L)

S2: Step Fwd-Side Rock R-L. Cross Rock R-L. 1/4 Turn Left-Step Fwd.
1-2&Step R fwd, rock L to left side, (&) recover onto R
3-4&Step L fwd, rock R to right side, (&) recover onto L
5&6Cross rock R over L, recover to L, step R to right side
7&8Cross rock L over R, recover to R, turn 1/4 left (12:00) and step L fwd (weight to L)

S3: 1/4 Turn Left. Syncopated Weave. Cross Shuffle. 1/4 Left. Step 1/4 Turn Left.
1-2&Turn 1/4 left (9:00) and step R to right side, cross L behind R, (&) step R to R side
3-4&Cross L over R, step R to right side, (&) cross L behind R
5&6Cross R over L, step L to left side, cross R over L
7&8Turn 1/4 left (6:00) and step L fwd, step R fwd, turn 1/4 left (3:00) (weight to L)

S4: Sway R-L-R-L
1-4Small step R to right side and sway R-L-R-L (weight to L) (…and start again…)


Note: The Wreck is a long song (6:39). For a shorter dance, do a remix at about 2:40 or 4:00. You may contact Russell Breslauer for his remix music.


Last Update: 12 November 2022