Keep a Secret

Easy Intermediate
Heather Joffer (USA) & Brenda Dorsey (USA) - February 2023
Keepa Secret - LÒNIS & Little League

Intro: 32 Counts or 16 count intro with optional 16 count dance intro only to be done once at beginning of song.

*Tag: 8 counts
**Tag: Hold - for 2 counts

Optional 16 Count Dance Intro:
[1-8] Hop Forward, Clap, Hop Back, Clap, Step, Pivot ½ L Turn, Step, Pivot ½ L Turn
& 1,2Hop R forward (&) Hop L forward (1) Clap Hands (2)
& 3,4Hop R back (&) Hop L back (3) Clap Hands (4)
5,6Step R forward (5) Pivot ½ L taking weight on L (6) [6:00]
7,8Step R forward (7) Pivot ½ L turn taking weight on L (8) [12:00]

[9-16] V Step, Rocking Chair
1,2Step R forward to R diagonal (1) Step L forward to L diagonal (2)
3,4Step R back to center (3) Step L next to R (4)
5,6Rock forward on R (5) Recover on L (6)
7,8Rock back on R (7) Rock forward on L (8) [12:00]

#32 Count Dance
[1-8] Jazz Box, Side Rock Recover, Behind Side Cross
1,2Cross R over L (1) Step L back (2)
3,4Step R to R (3) Cross L over R (4)
5,6Rock R to R (5) Recover on L (6)
7&8Cross R behind L (7) Step L to L (&) Cross R over L (8) [12:00]

[9-16] Side Rock Recover, Behind Side Cross, Press, Hold, Press, Hold
1,2Rock L to L (1) Recover on R (2)
3&4Cross L behind R (3) Step R to R (&) Cross L over R (4)
5,6&Lightly press ball of R forward (5) Hold (6) Quickly step R next to L (&)
7,8&Lightly press ball of L forward (7) Hold (8) Quickly step L next to R (&) [12:00]

[17-24] 4 Quick Step Touches Moving Back, Walk, Walk, Triple
1&2&Travelling back with small steps: Touch ball of R forward (1) Step R back (&) Touch ball of L forward (2) Step L back (&)
3&4&Touch ball of R forward (3) Step R back (&) Touch ball of L forward (4) Step L back (&)
5,6Walk forward R (5) Walk forward L (6)
7&8Step forward R (7) Step L next to R (&) Step forward R (8) [12:00]

[25-32] Rock, Recover, Triple ½ L Turn, Shuffle ¼ L Turn, Sailor Step
1,2Rock L forward (1) Recover on R (2)
3&4Turn ¼ L stepping on L (3) Step R next to L (&) Turn ¼ L stepping forward on L (4) [6:00]
5&6Turning ¼ L stepping R to R (5) Step L next to R (&) Step R to R (6) [3:00]
7&8Cross L behind R (7) Step R to R (&) Step L slightly forward (8) [3:00]

*8 count Tag: On wall 3, after completing 2 full rotations (Facing 6:00 when tag occurs)
[1-8] Press, Hold, Ball Step, Press Hold, ½ L turn unwind over left
1,2&Press ball of R foot forward (1) Hold (2) Quickly step R next to L (&)
3,4&Press L ball of L foot forward (3) Hold (4) Quickly step L next to R (&)
5,6,7,8Cross R over L (5) ½ unwind turning left slowly while swinging both arms from R side in circular motion, over head down to L side. (6-8). You will be facing 12:00 after you complete this ½ unwind.

**2 Count Hold: On wall 6, after completing 5 full rotations (Facing 9:00 when tag occurs)

Hold for 2 counts after 5 whole rotations of the dance.
You will be facing 9:00. Bring index finger up to your lips making a “Shh” sound.

Dance ends at 3:00 wall. Turn Head to 12:00 wall bringing index finger up to lips to make a “Shh” sound.

Choreographers: Heather Joffer – & Brenda Dorsey –

Last Update: 16 Feb 2023