Too Young for Wings

Ann McMullan (N.IRE) - February 2023
Way Too Young for Wings - PAUL LEAVY

16 count intro   TAG: 2 count tag at end of wall 5

** Dedicated to the memory of my husband, George

Basic nightclub, side, behind side cross, side rock cross side behind side
1-2&Step to right, step left slightly behind right, cross right over left
3-4Step left to left side, step right behind left,
&5Step left to left side, cross right over left
6&7Rock left to left side, recover onto right, cross left over right
&8&Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side (12)

Cross rock together, prissy walks, half turn right, three quarter turn left
1Cross rock left over right
2&Recover onto right, step left beside right
3-4Walk/cross right over left, walk/cross left over right
5Walk/cross right over left
6&7Step forward on left, make half turn right stepping on right, step forward on left (6)
8&Make half turn left stepping back on right, make quarter turn left stepping left to left side (9

Cross rock together right & left, step, pivot half turn left, pivot half turn right, half turn right
1-2&Cross rock right over left, recover onto left, step right beside left
3-4&Cross rock left over right, recover onto right,step left beside right
5Step forward on right
6-7Pivot half turn left, keeping feet in place pivot half turn right (keeping weight on right)
8On ball of right make half turn right stepping back on left (3)

Behind side cross, left scissor step, full turn left, forward coaster step
1&2Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
3&4Step left to left side, step right together, cross left over right
5&6Make half turn left stepping back on right, make half turn left stepping forward on left, step forward on right
7&8Step forward on left, step right beside left, step back on left (3)

Tag danced at end of wall 5 facing 3o’clock
1-2Sway right and left

Last Update: 23 Mar 2023