Think A Little

Heather Jayne Endall (AUS) - February 2023
Think - Adam Lambert

Intro: 2 Seconds

**2 x Tags (8 counts) End of Wall 3 & 7

Section 1: Step fwd R tap L beside w Clap, Step back L tap R beside w Clap, Dorothy R, Dorothy L.
1,2R ft step fwd, tap L ft beside, clap hands high
3,4L ft step back, tap R ft beside, clap hands low
5,6&Step R fwd diagonal (5), lock L ft behind (6), step R fwd (&)
7,8&Step L fwd diagonal (7), lock R ft behind (8), step L fwd (&)

Section 2: Rocking Chair, ½ Pivot, ½ Pivot
1,2,3,4(Weight on L) Rock fwd R ft, recover, Rock back R recover
5,6R ft step fwd, pivot ½ (weight remains on L)
7,8(6 o clock) R ft step fwd, pivot ½ (weight remains on L) 12 o clock

Section 3: Step back tap, step back tap, walk, walk, coaster
1,2R ft step back, tap L ft beside R with arms up, elbows bent, thumbs point back
3,4L ft step back, tap R ft beside L with arms up, elbows bent, thumbs point back
5,6Step back (walk) on R ft, step back (walk) on L ft
7&8R ft back, step L ft back beside R (&), step R ft fwd

Section 4: ¼ turn L, step, step, sharp ½ turn over R shoulder
1,2(weight is on R) ¼ turn over L shoulder step fwd L ft (1), step fwd R ft (2)
3,4step fwd L(3), sharp ½ turn over R shoulder to 3 o clock
5,6,7,8In place bend knees and sway/bounce R,L,R,L

TAGS: 2 x 8-counts at end of wall 3 & 7. Rocking chair (fwd back) with R foot

I hope that you have a lot of fun with this easy dance to such bouncy music! You can make it as upbeat or low key as you feel comfortable with and of course, have the option to include arms / claps as well as replacing your step back tap steps to pony steps. At the end of the day, I just hope you have fun with it 

For questions / comments - please feel free to get in touch.

Heather Jayne Endall
Tel: 0417 955 752