Sho Nuff

Pat Esper (USA) - May 2023
Bout Damn Time - Neon Union

DANCE MAP: (intro 32} 32-32-32-32-32-32-32-32-32-32-16-32 to the end of song

[1-8]: Toe-Heel Struts
1-2.Touch the right toes forward. Set the right heel down. (Snap fingers optional on all heel downs)
3-4.Touch the left toes forward. Set the left heel down.
5-6.Touch the right toes forward. Set the right heel down.
7-8.Touch the left toes forward. Set the left heel down.

[9-16]: K-step quarter turn
1-2.Step forward at an angle on the right foot. Touch the left foot next to the right. (Clapping optional on all touches)
3-4.Step back at an angle on the left foot. Touch the right foot next to the left.
5-6.Turn a quarter turn to the right stepping the right foot to the side. Touch the left foot next to the right.
7-8.Step the left foot to the side. Touch the right foot next to the left. (Note: after 10th wall restart happens here)

[17-24]: Weave, Side Rock, Cross, Hold
1-2.Step the right foot to the side. Step the left foot behind the right.
3-4.Step the right foot to the side. Step the left foot over the right.
5-6.Rock the right foot to the side. Recover onto the left foot.
7-8.Step the right foot over the left. Hold

[25-32] Turn, Turn, Cross, Hold, Hip bumps, Hip Bumps
1-2.Turn a quarter turn to the right stepping back on the left foot. Turn a quarter turn to the right stepping to the side on the right foot.
3-4.Step the left foot over the right. Hold.
5-6.Touch the right foot to the side while bumping the hips to the right. Bump hips left.
7-8.Bump hips right. Bump hips to the left.