Maybe Tonight

Easy Intermediate
Ranny Kusumawardhani (INA) - June 2023
Maybe Tonight - Jascha Richter

Intro music 16 count. No tag, 1 restart

Sec 1. Right forward with left hitch, left back, right together, left back with right sweep, quarter left turn, NC with ¾ right turn
1 – 2&step R forward while hitch L (1) step L backward (2) step R next to L (&)
3 – 4&step L backward while R sweep front to back (3) cross R behind L (4) turn ¼ L, step L forward (&)
5 – 6&step R to side (5) slightly L behind R (6) Cross R over L (&)
7 – 8&turn ¼ R, step L backward (7) turn ½ R, step R forward (8) step L next to R (&)
(Restart here at wall 6)

Sec 2. Right forward with left sweep, cross left and step right to side, cross left with right sweep, cross rock right and left
1 – 2&step R forward while L sweep from back to front (1) cross L over R (2) step R to side (&)
3 – 4&cross L behind R, while R sweep from front to back (3) cross R behind L (4) step L to side (&)
5 – 6&cross R over L (5) Recover L (6) step R to side (&)
7 – 8&cross L over R (7) Recover R (8) step L to side (&)

Enjoy the dance

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