Heads Carolina

Lindsay Spence (SCO) - July 2023
She Had Me At Heads Carolina - Cole Swindell

Start on vocals restarts walls 2,5,8

section 1 Rock forward shuffle back, rock back shuffle forward
1,2right rock forward recover,
3&4right step back,left step back,right step back
5,6left rock back, recover
7&8left step forward, right step forward, left step forward

section 2 Side rock cross shuffle side behind shuffle ¼
1,2right to right side recover
3&4right cross over left, step left to side cross right over left
5&6step left to side right behind left step left to side ¼ turn
7&8left forward, right forward, left forward
restart wall 2 & 8

section 3 Rocking chair 2 paddle turn
1,2,3,4right rock forward recover, weight on left, right rock back recover
5,6,7,8right step turn ¼ hip bump right, right step turn ¼ hip bump right

section 4 Diagonal Forward touch, Diagonal back touch, Diagonal back touch, Diagonal forward touch
1,2,3,4right touch forward left touch beside right,left touch back right touch beside left
5,6,7,8right touch back left touch beside right,left touch forward, right touch beside left
restart wall 5

section 5 Vine Right touch,Vine Left touch (option) Rolling Vine
1,2,3,4right to right side, left behind right, right to side touch left beside
5,6,7,8left to left side, right behind left, left to side touch right beside left

section 6 Point R/L R toe touch back, L Heel forward, Jump forward, Heel bumps
1&2right point to right side recover, left point to left side recover
&3&4right toe touch bach recover, left heel touch forward recover
&5,6jump out right, jump out left
7,8bounce both heel twice

Hope you enjoy this dance !!!