What's Wrong With Me ?

High Beginner
Rhythm 'N' Fun Linedancers (NZ) - September 2018
All Shook Up - Elvis Presley

lntro: Start on Lyrics- 2 Restarts

Lindy Right, Lindy Left
1&2Chasse Right,
3-4Rock L back, Recover
5&6Chasse left
7-8Rock R back, Recover

Toe Struts
1-4Step forward on R toe, drop heel, Step forward on L toe, drop heel
5-8Step forward on R toe, drop heel, Step forward on L toe, drop heel

Walk back, Hitch Right & Left
1-4Walk back R L R, Hitch L knee
5-8Walk back L R L, Hitch R knee

Knee Pop & "Elvis Legs"
1-2Step down on R, Hold on 2
3-4Knee Pops
5-8Rotate R knee inwards, Rotate L knee inwards, Rotate R Knee inwards, Rotate L knee inwards *

Vine Right, Hitch 1/2 turn R, Vine Left, Hitch
1-4Vine R with 1/2 turn Right
5-8Vine Left with a touch

Step Touch back with (claps)
1-4Step R back diagonally, touch L next to R, Step L back touch R next to L
5-8Step R back diagonally, touch L next to R, Step L back touch R next to L

**2 Restarts *
Dance up to 32 counts, after "Elvis Legs" re-Start
Wall 3 facing 12.00
Wall 5 Facing 6.00


Contact: patdancer0l@gmail