Second Chances

Rach Young (NZ) - August 2023
Play Something Country - Brooks & Dunn

Intro: 16 counts - No tags, no restarts

(1 – 8) Lock Step Left twice, Lock Step Right twice
1, 2Step left foot forward on diagonal, step right foot behind
3, 4Step left foot forward on diagonal, step right foot behind tap
5, 6Step right foot forward on diagonal, step left foot behind
7, 8Step right foot forward on diagonal, step left foot behind tap

(9 – 16) Rock forward on left, half turn over left shoulder, shuffle forward, right step, rock recover left
1, 2Rock forward on left, weight back on right foot
3&4Left step half turn over left shoulder, shuffle forward on left foot
5, 6, 7&8Step right to side, weight on right foot, left foot rock recover behind, step left foot to side, weight on left foot

(17 – 24) Right toe tap forward, to side, Right Coaster step, Left toe tap forward, to side, Left Coaster step
1 - 2Swing right toe forward tap in front, right toe tap to side
3&4Right coaster – step right foot back, step left beside right, step forward onto right foot, weight on right foot
5 – 6Left toe tap in front, left toe tap to side
7&8Left coaster – step left foot back, step right foot beside left, step forward onto left foot, weight on left foot

(25 – 32) Right Jazz box, two hip rolls to the left
1 – 4Cross right foot over left foot, step backward on left foot, step right foot to right side, step forward on left foot
5 – 8weight on left foot, right foot step forward quarter turn left and roll your hips around twice to face new wall

Dance ends on the rock recover

Rach Young