Boom Boom Goes My Heart

Absolute Beginner
Tracy Walters (CAN) - September 2023
Boom Boom Goes My Heart - Alex Swings Oscar Sings!

Start on vocals

Step, Together, Step, Touch x4
1-4.Step forward on right foot on a diagonal, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward on a diagonal, tap left toes next to right foot
5-8.Step left foot back on a diagonal, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot back on a diagonal, tap right toes next to left foot
9-12.Step right foot back on a diagonal, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot back on a diagonal, tap left toes next to right foot
13-16.Step left foot forward on a diagonal, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot forward on a diagonal, tap right toes next to left foot

Heel-Toe Struts, Toe-Heel Struts
17-18.Tap right heel forward, bring right toes down (putting weight on right foot)
19-20.Tap left heel forward, bring left toes down (putting weight on left foot)
21-22.Tap right toes back, bring right heel down (putting weight on right foot)
23-24.Tap left toes back, bring left heel down (putting weight on left foot)

25-28.Step right foot to the side, step left foot behind right foot, step right foot to the side, tap left toes next to right foot
29-32.Step left foot to the side, step right foot behind left foot, step left foot forward making a ¼ turn left, tap right toes next to left foot

Begin Again!