
Amy Bauman (USA) - October 2023
Locomotive - Miranda Lambert

Dance starts three 8-counts from the very beginning of the song (two 8-counts from when the beat really picks up). Dance begins right at the start of the first verse.
**1 restart- approximately 1:15 into song (just before start of second verse), right after completing Lindi’s 7, 8

Shuffles, Rock/Recover
1&2Shuffle fwd RLR
3, 4Rock fwd on LF, recover back on RF
5&6Shuffle back LRL
7, 8Rock back on RF, recover fwd on LF

1&2Shuffle right (RLR)
3, 4Rock LF back on right diagonal, recover fwd on RF
5&6Shuffle left (LRL)
7, 8Rock RF back on left diagonal, recover fwd on LF

Walks and Slides
1-4Walk fwd RLRL (together on 4)
5-6Step LF out to L side, slide RF in next to it
7-8Step RF out to R side, slide LF in next to it

Syncopated Back Zigzag Touches, Wall Change, Stomps and Claps
1&2&Step L back to L diagonal, Touch R next to L, Step R back to R diagonal, Touch L next to R
3&4&Step L back to L diagonal, Touch R next to L, Step R back to R diagonal, Touch L next to R (12:00) (Counts 1-4& will feel like hopping from foot to foot)
5, 6Step RF forward, pivot ½ turn over L shoulder
7Stomp RF in next to LF
&8 2claps