Going Blind

Improver / Intermediate
Alisa Hart (USA) - December 2023
BLIND - Alex Sampson

*Dance starts on count 32 after the music starts

Slide back R, L, R coaster, Side rock, Heel grind ¼ turn, L heel flick.
1 2Slide back R, slide back L popping knees like a camel step.
3&4R coaster step
5&6 7 8L side rock(5) recover(&) heel grind ¼ turn over L shoulder (6) Step back on R foot(7) Flick L heel behind you(8)

Step pop, Toe turn R, Sailor L, Sailor scuff R.
1 2&Step forward L(1) pop L knee(2) step L forward(&)
3 4Tap R toe(3) Toe ¼ turn over R shoulder(4)
5&6Sailor L
7&8Sailor R(7&) scuffing L foot on last step(8)

Diagonal L rocking chair, Half turn, ¼ turn, L coaster, Hop step R.
1 2Rock forwards towards 2 o’clock
3 4Half turn back over L shoulder facing 8 o’clock(3) ¼ turn to finish facing 6 o’clock(4)
5&6L coaster
7&8Hop step R, jumping R onto R foot(7) bouncing in place L, R(&8)

Hop step L, Rock hips R L, Cross unwind, Step Knee Pop.
1&2Hop step L, jumping L onto L foot(1) bouncing in place R, L(&2
3 4Rock hips R, L
5 6Cross R over L(5) unwind 360°(6)
7&8Step R(7) Knee pop(&8)

*Tag after 2nd wall:
1 2Stomp R, hold,
3 4Stomp L, hold,
5 - 8roll hips all the way around ending with weight on L. Dance starts over from there.

Last Update: 24 Dec 2023