Snowflakes Falling

Rebecca Rader (USA) - December 2023
Christmas in the Country - Thomas Rhett

Dance starts on vocals (after 16 counts)

Lock Steps, Rock Forward, Rock Backward
1 & 2 -Lock step right (step right foot forward, bring left behind, step up on right foot again)
3 & 4 -Lock step left (step left foot forward, bring right foot behind, step up on left foot again)
5 & 6 –rock forward on right foot, recover on left foot, replace right foot next to left foot
7 & 8 –rock left foot backwards, recover on right foot, replace left foot next to right foot

Scissor Legs, Sways, ¼ Turn Left
1 & 2 –side rock with right foot, step left foot next to right, cross right foot over left foot
3 & 4 –side rock with left foot, step right foot next to left, cross left foot over right
5-8 –sways right, left, right, left, with a ¼ turn left
Restart Here: Wall 3 (Verse 2) and Wall 6 (Bridge)

Toe, Heel, Stomps, Step Kick
1& 2 –Toe, heel, stomp right foot
3 & 4 -Toe, heel, stomp left foot
5-8 –step on right foot, kick the left foot forward, step on left foot, touch right foot backwards

K Step
1-2 –step right foot forward right diagonal, touch left foot together
3-4 –step left foot backwards left diagonal, touch right foot together
5-6 –step right foot backward right diagonal, touch left foot together
7-8 –step right left foot forward left diagonal, touch right foot together


Feel free to reach out with any questions! Have fun and happy dancing! 

All rights reserved to this dance choreography.

Last Update: 12 Dec 2023