Bom Sakalaka Cha Cha

Miske Findriani Paduli (INA) - February 2024
Bom Sakalaka | Lagu Acara Cha Cha Terbaru Remix (Arjhun Kantiper)

Intro: 48 Counts
2 Restarts after 32C of Wall 2 (06:00) &

Wall 3 (09:00)

Section 1: Rocking Chair - Shuffle Forward (R,L)
1-4Rock R forward, recover on L, rock R back, recover on L
5&6Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
7&8Step L forward, step R together, step L forward

Section 2: Cross, 1/4R Back - Chassè - Cross, Back - Chassè
1-2Cross R over L, turn 1/4R step L back (03:00)
3&4Step R to side, step L together, step R to side
5-6Cross L over R, step R back
7&8Step L to side, step R together, step L to side

Section 3: Rock Forward - Shuffle Backward - Rock Backward - Shuffle Forward
1-2Rock R forward, recover on L
3&4Step R back, step L together, step R back
5-6Rock L back, recover on R
7&8Step L forward, step R together, step L forward

Section 4: Rock Side - Triple Step - Rock Side - Triple Step
1-2Rock R to side, recover on L
3&4Step R to center, step L in place, step R in place
5-6Rock L to side, recover on R
7&8Step L to center, step R in place, step L in place
(**Restart here on Wall 2 & 3 **)

Section 5: Turn 1/4L Paddle (2x) - Shuffle Forward (R,L)
1-2Step R forward, turn 1/4L step L in place (12:00)
3-4Step R forward, turn 1/4L step L in place (09:00)
5&6Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
7&8Step L forward, step R together, step L forward

Section 6: Paddle 1/4L (2x) - Jazz Box
1-2Step R forward, turn 1/4L step L in place (06:00)
3-4Step R forward, turn 1/4L step L in place (03:00)
5-8Cross R over l, step L back, step R to side, step L forward

Happy Dancing & Thank You