La Minute Moove

Delphine Strazzieri - March 2024
Remix by Arthur or any moderate tempo WCS, Funk, Soul

Dance starts 20 counts after drumming starts. No tags, no restarts. Style is “real smooth”, light bounce

[1 – 8] The “Basic” Step
1 2 3 4Tap right foot front 2 beats (lean back a bit), tap right foot back 2 beats @12:00
5 6 7 8Tap right foot front, back, right foot out to side, tap right foot home

[9 – 16] Finish Basic, Heels and Toes Quarter Turn Left, Cuff Lift
1 2 3 4 & 5Right foot front, side, back, side-back-side @12:00
& 6 & 7 & 8Quarter turn left @9:00 step on right foot (5&), heel in, out, in, out, in (lift cuff twice)

[17 – 24] Walking Forward and Back
1 2 3 4Forward “walks” right, left, right, left @9:00
5 6 7 8Walk back left, right, left right @9:00

[25 – 32] “Sitting“ Butterfly Knees Then Pause/Pose
1 2 3 4Small step back on right with knees in, out, in, out (hip rolling)
5 6 7 8Quarter turn right pose 4 counts, lean forward, right hand palm facing face@12:00

[33 – 40] The Basic Step Again, Almost
1 2 3 4Quarter turn left, tap right foot front 2 beats, tap right foot back 2 beats @9:00
5 6 7 8Tap right foot front, back, right foot out to side, tap right foot home

[41 – 48] “Pimp Walks”, Extend Right Foot Turning Quarter Turn Left, Shoulders
1 & 2 3 & 4Forward kick ball changes “pimp walks” right, left, right, repeat @9:00
5 6 7Quarter turn left planting right foot to right chest right, left, right @6:00
8 &Chest left, right

[49 – 56] Shoulders, Half Turn Left, Shoulders
1 & 2Shift chest right, left, right
3 & 4Shift chest left, right, left
5 6Hitch left foot doing half turn right, place left foot open stance a little back@12:00
7 & 8Shift shoulders right, left, right@12:00

[57 – 64] Bop Bop Bop Hips
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &Lift right hip up neutral then down neutral, repeat
5 6 7 8Little scoots/hops to right four times

[65 – 72] Walk with Me Funky Four Corners with Loose Legs
1 & 2 &Step forward on right with right hip up, to neutral, right hip down, to neutral
3 & 4 &Step forward on left with left hip up, to neutral, left hip down, to neutral
5 & 6 & 7 & 8 &Repeat steps 1 through 2& above TWICE

73 – 76Step Back Then You Slide Ending
1 2 3 4Step back on left then slowing slide right to home


Submitted by: Bonnie Berns Email: