Let's Celebrate

Colleen Archer (AUS)
Celebration - Kool & The Gang

&1Step left sideways, step right in place
2-3Step/cross left behind right, touch right toe sideways right
4Turn ½ turn right & step right beside left
5&6Shuffle sideways left-right-left
7Rock back on right while hitching left
8Rock forward onto left
&1Step right back 45 degrees right, step left forward 45 degrees left (moving forward towards left diagonal on struts keeping body facing towards front, swing arms)
&2&3Right toe strut across left, left toe strut
&4Right toe strut across left
&5Step left sideways, step right in place
6&7Cross shuffle sideways right (left-right-left)
8Turn ¼ turn right and step right forward
&1Scuff left heel forward, scoot right forward while hitching left knee
2&Touch left heel forward, step left beside right
3&Touch right heel forward, step right beside left
4&Touch left toe back, scoot right back
5-6Touch left toe back, touch left heel forward
7&8Left coaster step (step left back, step right beside left, step left forward)
&1Step right sideways, step left in place
2-4Turn 540 degrees left (one & half turns) while stepping right-left-right
5&6Left sailor (step left behind right, step right sideways, step left in place)
7-8Stomp right sideways, hold

Try "It's Gotta Be You" by The Backstreet Boys. Dance begins on "Be You". Add on counts 31 & 32 (stomp & hold), hold arms out from sides at hip height with fists clenched. At end of seventh repetition, hold for the word "YEAH". Begin again on the word "IT'S".. gotta be you.