Let's Get Louder

Simon Ward (AUS)
Let's Get Loud - Jennifer Lopez

Start dance on words "if you want to live your life", after an approximately 80 count intro
1-2Cross/rock right over left, rock/return weight back onto left
3&4Shuffle to right side right-left-right
5-8Repeat above 4 counts on left foot
&9-10Step right slightly forward, touch left toe beside right, point left toe to left side
11&12Shuffle forward left-right-left
13-14Rock/step right forward, rock/return weight back on left
&15-16Step right slightly back, rock/step left back, rock/step right forward
17-18Rock/step left forward, rock/return back on right making a ½ turn left
19&20Shuffle forward left-right-left
21-22Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left
23&24Shuffle forward right-left-right
25-26&Rock left to left, rock/return weight onto right, step left next to right
27-28&Rock right to right, rock/return weight onto left, step right next to left
29-30&Rock left back, rock/return weight forward on right, step left next to right
31-32Step right forward, touch left toe beside right
33&34Point left toe to left, step left next to right turning a ¼ left, point right toe to right
&35&36Step right next to left turning ½ turn right, point left toe to left, step left next to right, point right toe to right
37&38Step right behind left, step left to left, take weight onto right (sailor shuffle)
&39-40Step left behind right, rock/step right to right, rock/return weight onto left turning a ¼ turn right
41&42Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward (coaster step)
43-44Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right
45-46Rock/step left forward, rock/return back on right making a ½ turn left
&47-48Step onto left, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left
49-50Rock/step right forward, rock/step left back
51&52Triple step in place right-left-right turning a full turn right (optional coaster step)
53-56Step left slightly to left, vine/vine right-left-right turning a full turn right
&57-58Touch left toe next right, step left to left side (body facing slightly to right), hold clicking right fingers
59-60Roll top half of body for two counts still facing body slightly right
&61-62Step right beside left facing front wall, rock/step left back, rock/step right forward
&63-64Step left next to right, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left stepping left next to right


On the 4th wall restart dance after counts &47-48 (restart facing back wall)

Finish the dance facing the front wall by stomping right foot forward with hands going out on stomp.