The Little Fella

Colleen Archer (AUS)
Cunnamulla Feller - Lee Kernaghan

1-2Step right back, rock forward onto left
3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right
5-8Step left forward, scuff right forward, step right forward, scuff left forward
9-10Step left forward, rock back on right
11&12Turn ½ turn left and shuffle forward left-right-left
13-14Step right forward to right diagonal, step left forward to left diagonal
15-16Step right back to center, step left beside right
17-18Step right back to right diagonal, kick left forward to left diagonal
19-20Step left sideways left, step/cross right over left
21-22Step left back to left diagonal, kick right forward to right diagonal
23-24Step right sideways right, step/cross left over right
25-26Turn ¼ turn right & touch right toe forward, drop heel (toe strut)
27-28Touch left toe forward, drop heel (toe strut)
29-30Step right forward, turn ¼ turn left & shift weight onto left (paddle)
31-32Step right forward, turn ¼ turn left & shift weight onto left (paddle)
33-34Step right forward to right diagonal, slide left up beside right
35-36Step right forward to right diagonal, scuff left forward beside right
37-38Step left forward to left diagonal, slide right up beside left
39-40Step left forward to left diagonal, scuff right forward beside left
41-42Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left and change weight onto left
43-44Stomp right twice beside left, keep weight on left
45-46Step right forward, rock weight back onto left
47-48Step right back, rock weight forward onto left
49-50Step right sideways right, step/cross left behind right
51-52Step right sideways right, scuff left beside right
53-54Step left sideways left, step/cross right behind left
55-56Turn ¼ turn left and step left forward, touch right beside left

I have choreographed this beginner's dance with the kind permission of Maureen Reynolds. The Lil' Fella is a modified version of Maureen's intermediate dance "I'm The Fella" which my more experienced dancers enjoy. Hope you enjoy doing them too.