Morning Fever

Val Thomas (AUS) & Dion Thomas (AUS)
Fever - Don Williams

&1-4Step left to side, right to side, click, step forward left, touch right to side & click
5-8Step forward right, touch left to side & click, step forward left, touch right to side & click
9-10Step forward on right, turn ½ left on right (weight right)
11-14Moving diagonal left step forward left, click, cross right over left, click
&15-16Ball-change left diagonal forward, right in place, click
Moving diagonal right forward
17-22Cross left over right, click, step right, click, cross left over right, click
&23-24Ball-change right diagonal forward, left in place, click
25-32Step back right, left heel, left, right heel, right, left heel, left, right heel
Click as you 'heel'
&33-34Ball-step - step back on ball of right, step forward on left, click
35-38Step forward right, click, step forward left, turn ½ right on left, (weight left)
39-42Full right vine & syncopate - right to side, cross left behind right, right to side, cross left over right
&43-44Right to side, touch left heel to diagoanl, click
45-48Left to side, cross right over left, left to side, cross right behind left
&49-50Left to side, touch right heel to diagonal, click
51-58Four heel struts forward right-left-right-left
Click as each foot steps flat
59-60Step forward on right, turn ½ left on right (weight right)
61-64Step left forward, drag right together, step left forward, drag right together


Finish dance on beat 32

25-32Step back right, left heel, left, right heel, right, left heel, turn ½ left, step on left, right together