
Jon Peppin (AUS)
Nothin' 'Bout Love Makes Sense - LeAnn Rimes

1&2Right backward coaster step (step right back, step left beside right, step right forward)
3-4Step/rock left forward, rock/replace weight back on right
5&6Left shuffle backwards (step left back, step/slide right beside left, step left back)
7&8Right backward coaster cross (step right back, step left beside right, step right across in front of left)
1-2Step/rock left to left side, turning ¼ turn right and rock forward onto right
3&4Left shuffle forward (step left forward, step/slide right beside left, step left forward)
5-6Step/rock right forward, rock/replace weight back on left
7&8Turning 1 ½ turns right (triple step right, left, right)
7&8Turning ½ right (shuffle forward right, left, right)
1-2Step left forward, pivot ¾ right placing weight onto right
3&4Left side shuffle (step left to left side, step/slide right beside left, step left to left side)
5&6Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right across in front of left
7&8Step/rock left to left side, rock/replace weight onto right, step left across in front of right
1-2Turning ¼ turn left step right back, turning a further ½ turn left step left forward
3&4Right shuffle forward (step right forward, step/slide left beside right, step right forward)
5&6Syncopated pivot (step left forward, pivot ½ turn right weight onto right, step left forward)
7-8Step/rock right forward, rock/replace weight back on left


On walls 4 and 8, dance the first 16 counts and on count 17 stomp/rock left forward and pause/hold. Then restart the dance from the beginning. This becomes wall 5 (start facing the back wall) and wall 9 (start facing the front wall) respectively