One By One
Ian Dunn (AUS)
One By One - Crosby Sisters
Third place at Riverstone 98 - Australian music section. Highly Commended at "Gordon Elliot 98 Choreography CompRIGHT STEP, LOCK, STEP, SCUFF, LEFT STEP, LOCK, STEP, SCUFF1-4Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, scuff left behind right & forward5-8Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, scuff right forward & swing to right7 BEAT VINE RIGHT, TOUCH1-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, step left across right5-8Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside rightVINE LEFT, SCUFF, RIGHT STEP, LOCK, STEP, SCUFF1-4Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, scuff right beside left5-8Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, scuff left forwardLEFT, HOLD, ¼ RIGHT, HOLD, LEFT, HOLD, ¼ RIGHT, HOLD1-4Step left forward, hold, pivot on right foot ¼ turn right, hold5-8Step left forward, hold, pivot on right foot ¼ turn right, holdLEFT LOCK, SCUFF, REGGAE TURN ¼ turn RIGHT, TOUCH1-4Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, scuff right beside left & forward5-6Cross right over left, step left back (start ¼ turn to right)7-8Step right back (& complete ¼ turn to right), touch left beside rightFULL TURN LEFT, SIDE STEP RIGHT, SIDE, STEP ONTO LEFT1-4Roll to left full turn stepping left-right-left, touch right beside left Please feel free to substitute a vine to the left (left-right-left, touch) for the full turn turn5-8Long step right to right side, two beat slow slide left beside right, step left beside right (weight on left)BALL JACK, HOLD, TOGETHER, HOLD1-4Hop back on right 45 degrees right with left heel forward 45 degrees left, hold, hop together, hold (small ball jack feet 12 to 18 inches apart) Please feel free to substitute left heel 45, hold, together hold & right heel 45, hold, together, hold if jumping is a problem in ball jacksBALL JACK, HOLD, TOGETHER, HOLD5-8Hop back on left 45 degrees left with right heel forward 45 degrees right, hold, hop together, hold (small ball jack feet 12 to 18 inches apart)TOUCH LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD, TAP TAP BACK1-2Touch left toe to left side, step together3-4Touch right toe to right side, step together5-6Touch left heel forward, step together lifting right off the floor7-8Touch right toe back twiceREPEAT To finish the dance the last 8 beats are omitted and substituted with:1-4Step left forward, brush right forward, brush right across left, touch right toe to floor with legs crossed5-8Hold for 4 counts