Raise The Devil
John "Grrowler" Rowell (UK)
I'm Just A Rebel - Confederate Railroad
"I'm Just A Rebel" 32 count introduction. "Black Eyes, Blue Tears" start on main lyrics. "Rock This Country!" start on drumsSTOMP TWICE, KICK BALL TOUCH, CROSS, UNWIND, COASTER STEP1-2Stomp right foot twice3&4Kick right foot forward, & step right in place, touch left foot to left5-6Cross left in front of right, unwind half turn right7&8Step back right, step left next to right, step forward rightSTOMP TWICE, KICK BALL TOUCH, CROSS, UNWIND, COASTER STEP9-10Stomp left foot twice11&12Kick left foot forward, & step left in place, touch right foot to right.13-14Cross right in front of left, unwind half turn left15&16Step back left, step right next to left, step forward leftSTEP RIGHT, BEHIND, CHASSE, ROCK, ROCK, SAILOR STEP WITH QUARTER TURN17-18Step right foot to right, cross left foot behind right19&20Step right foot to right, step left next to right, step right foot to right21-22Cross rock left across front of right, recover weight back onto right.23&24Step left behind right (making quarter turn left), step right in place, step left in placeRIGHT LOCK STEP, RIGHT SHUFFLE, ROCK, ROCK, COASTER CROSS25-26Step forward right, lock left foot behind right27&28Shuffle forward, right, left, right29-30Rock forward onto left foot, recover weight back onto right31&32Step back left, step right next to left, step forward left crossing left in front of rightSCUFF WITH QUARTER TURN, HALF TURN COASTER STEP, JAZZ BOX WITH QUARTER TURN33-34Scuff right forward into quarter turn left, stepping down on ball of right foot35&36Pivot half turn left on ball of right foot, step back left, step right next to left, step forward left You should now be facing the home wall37-38Step right over left starting quarter turn left, step back left completing quarter turn left39-40Step right in place, step left in placeKICK, KICK, BACK, TOUCH, HALF TURN SHUFFLE, ROCK & STEP41-42Kick right foot forward twice43-44Step right foot back, touch left toe back45&46Shuffle forward, left, right, left, making a half turn right47-48Rock back on right, step forward onto leftREPEAT