Ready To Go
DJ Dan (NL) & Wynette Miller (NL)
Ever Ready - Ken Mellons
Intro: 16 countsRIGHT SLOW CHASSE, HITCH, LEFT SLOW CHASSE, HITCH1Angle your body to right diagonal and step right to right side2-3Step left next to right, step right to right side4Hitch left and angle your body to left diagonal5-7Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side8Hitch right and facing front againSTEP FORWARD, HITCH, STEP BACK, HITCH, SLOW COASTER CROSS, HOLD1-4Step right forward, hitch left, step left back, hitch right5-8Step right back, step left next to right, cross right over left, holdLEFT, SIDE TOE STRUT, ROCK STEP BACK, RIGHT, SIDE TOE STRUT, ROCK STEP BACK1-2Step on left toe to left side, drop left heel3-4Rock right back, recover weight onto left5-6Step on right toe to right side, drop right heel7-8Rock left back, recover weight onto right½ TURN, HOLD/CLAP, ½ TURN, HOLD/CLAP, SLOW LOCK STEP FORWARD, HOLD1-2Make ½ turn right step left back, hold and clap3-4Make ½ turn right step right forward, hold and clap5-8Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, holdSTEP- ½ TURN-STEP, HOLD, SLOW LOCK STEP FORWARD, HOLD1-4Step right forward, make ½ turn left, step right forward, hold5-8Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, holdROCK STEP FORWARD, STEP BACK, HOLD, ROCK STEP BACK, STEP FORWARD, HOLD1-4Rock right forward, recover weight onto left, step right back, hold5-8Rock left back, recover weight onto right, step left forward, holdRIGHT WEAVE, SIDE ROCK, CROSS, HOLD1-4Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right5-8Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left, cross right over left, holdLEFT WEAVE, SIDE ROCK WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT, STEP FORWARD, HOLD1-4Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left5-8Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right with ¼ turn right, step left forward, holdREPEATTAG At end of 2nd (6:00) and 5th wall (3:00)1-2Step right to right side and bump hips to right twice3-4Bump hips to left twice