Relatively Easy Little Dance

Charlotte Skeeters (USA), Phil Bates (AUS), Jenny Cryer (AUS), Kathryn Cryer (USA), Cindy Truelove (AUS) & Simon Ward (AUS)
I'll Take Texas - Vince Gill

1-2Rock/step right foot forward, rock backward onto left
3-4Rock/step right foot forward, rock backward onto left
5&6Rock right foot forward, step left foot beside right, step right foot forward
7-8Step left foot forward, make ½ pivot turn right taking weight forward on right
9-10Step left foot to side, step right foot across behind left
&11Jump to side on left foot, step right foot beside left
13-14Step left foot to side, step right foot across behind left
&15Jump to side on left foot, step right foot beside left
16Hold (with weight on right foot)
17-18Rock/step left foot forward, rock backward onto right making ¾ turn left
19Step left foot forward
&20Rock/step right foot to side, rock/replace weight onto left
21Step right foot across in front of left
&22Rock/step left foot to side, rock/replace weight onto right
&24Step left foot beside right, step right foot in place
25-26Rock/step left foot forward, rock backward onto right
&Make ¼ turn left
27&28Shuffle to left side left-right-left (optional full turn left on shuffle)
29Step right foot forward
30-31On balls of both feet twist heels right, twist heels center taking weight onto left
&32Step right foot beside left, step left foot in place

The steps in this dance come from other dances of mine:
Counts 1-8 are Cuban Heels, 9-16 from Along For The Ride, 24-32 from Black & White cha-cha and the rest culled from various others, The name comes from words that I used to use to describe many of my dances. I have been informed that they were not accurate descriptions, so left try very hard not to use them any more!