Rhythm Of The Rain

Sheila Walmsley (UK)
Rockin' With the Rhythm of the Rain - The Judds

1-2Step right toe to right side, drop heel, taking weight (snap fingers)
3-4Cross left toe over right, drop heel, taking weight (snap fingers)
5-6Step right toe to right side, drop heel, taking weight (snap fingers)
7-8Cross left over right, unwind a full turn right (weight ends on right)
1-2Step left toe to left side, drop heel, taking weight (snap fingers)
3-4Cross right toe over left, drop heel, taking weight (snap fingers)
5-6Step left toe to the left side, drop heel, taking weight (snap fingers)
7-8Cross right over left, unwind a full turn left (weight ends on left)
&1-2Jump forward stepping right left, hold (arms out to the side)
&3-4Jump back stepping right left, hold (arms out to the side)
5&Touch right toe forward making a ¼ turn left (snap right fingers)
6&Touch right toe forward making a ¼ turn left (snap right fingers)
7&Touch right toe forward making a ¼ turn left (snap right fingers)
8&Touch right toe forward making a ¼ turn left (snap right fingers)
1-2Kick right diagonally forward, cross right over left
3-4Step back left, step right to right side
5-6Kick left diagonally forward, cross left over right
7-8Step back right, step left to left side
1-4Step back right, kick left forward, step back left, kick right forward
5-6Dig right heel forward, hook right heel across left
7-8Dig right heel forward, turn ¼ turn left on left foot, touch right in place
1-4Step back right, kick left forward, step back left, kick right forward
5-6Dig right heel forward, hook right hell across left
7-8Dig right heel forward, turn ¼ turn on left foot
1-2Touch right toe to right side, make a ½ turn right stepping right beside left
3-4Touch left toe to left side, step left beside right
5Swivel left heel to right, touching right toe to left instep
6Swivel left toe to right, touching right heel diagonally forward right
7Swivel left toe to right, touching right toe to left instep
8Kick right diagonally right
1-2Cross right over left, step back on left
3-4Step ¼ turn right on right, step left beside right
5-6Cross right over left, step back on left
7-8Step ¼ turn right on right, step left beside right


On 6th wall facing the back, dance up to count 32

1-2Cross right over left, unwind ½ turn left (arms out to the side)