Sex On The Beach

Stompin Steve Knowles (UK)
Sex on the Beach - T-Spoon

Sequence: AB ACB AB AC
Start dance after initial rap when girls sing "I wanna have sex on the beach"

1-4Step left to left thrust hips forward & back over 2 counts with arms bent at elbows pull back & forward with hip thrusts, touch right beside left, clap
5&6&Touch right heel forward, step right beside left, touch left heel forward, step left beside right
7-8Step right to right, slide left up to right & step down beside right
9-12Step right to right thrust hips forward & back over 2 counts with arms bent at elbows pull back & forward with hip thrusts, touch left beside right, clap.
13&14&Touch left heel forward, step left beside right, touch right heel forward, step right beside left
15-16Step left to left, slide right up to left & step down beside left
17-32Repeat steps 1-16 finish with a touch on right beside left

1&2Kick right forward, step slightly back on right, step forward on left
3&4Rock step forward on right, rock back onto left, step right beside left
5-6Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right
7&8Triple step left, right, left, making a ½ turn right
9-12Step right to right, cross left behind right
11&12Shuffle to right (right, left, right)
13-16(Rolling vine left a full turn) step left a ¼ turn left, step right a ½ turn left, step left a ¼ turn left, step right beside left
17-32Repeat steps 1-16 starting on left foot
33-34Rock step forward on right, rock back onto left
35&36Triple step right, left, right making a ¾ turn right
37-38Rock forward on left, rock back onto right
39&40Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left (coaster step)
41&42Shuffle forward right, left, right
43-44Rock forward on left, rock back onto right.
45&46Shuffle back left, right, left
47&48Step back on right, step left beside right, step forward on right (coaster step)

1-8(angle body to right) step right to right pull elbows back, step left beside right push arms forward, repeat twice more, step right to right, jump up bringing left beside right face front & clap.
9-16(angle body to left) step left to left pull elbows back, step right beside left push arms forward, repeat twice more, step left to left, jump up bringing right beside left face front & clap.
17-32Repeat steps 1-16