Shut Up And Drive
Pauline Hobson (UK)
Shut Up and Drive - Chely Wright
VAUDEVILLE JACKS HEEL JACKS&1&2Hop back on left and right heel diagonally forward and then together&3&4Hop back on right and left heel diagonally forward and then together&5-8Repeat above stepsMONTEREY TURN RIGHT9Touch right toe to right side10Turn half turn right as you step right next to left11Touch left toe to left side12Step left next to rightRIGHT SHUFFLE IN PLACE, STOMP LEFT AND KICK LEFT13&14Right shuffle on right side (right, left, right)15-16Stomp left, kick left forwardSAILOR SHUFFLE BACKWARDS ON LEFT AND RIGHT KICK BALL CHANGE17&18Sailor shuffle backwards left, right, left19&20Sailor shuffle backwards right, left, right21&22Sailor shuffle backwards left, right, left23&24Right kickball changeRIGHT ROCK STEP, RIGHT COASTER STEP, LEFT ROCK STEP, LEFT COASTER STEP25-26Rock forward on right and back onto left27&28Step back on right, together left, forward on right29-30Rock forward on left and back onto right31&32Step back on left, together right, forward on leftSHUFFLE FORWARD DOING A FULL TURN AND ROCK STEP ON LEFT33&34Shuffle forward right, left, right with a full turn left35&36Shuffle forward left, right, left37&38Shuffle forward right, left, right39-40Rock forward on left and back onto rightSHUFFLE BACKWARDS ON LEFT, WITH A 1¼ TURN LEFT AND A JAZZ BOX41&42Shuffle backwards left, right, left with ½ turn left43&44Shuffle backwards right, left, right with ¾ turn left45-46Place left foot down, cross right over left and place right down47-48Step left in place and right foot beside leftPOINT RIGHT FOOT, ¼ TURN RIGHT, SHUFFLE, STEP HALF TURN AND SHUFFLE49Point right foot to right side50¼ turn right on ball of left foot (weight stays on left)51&52Right shuffle, facing back of room, right, left, right53-54Step forward on left and half turn right to face front wall55&56Shuffle forward left, right, leftTWO CROSS POINTS, STOMP, CLAP, HOLD57-58Cross right over left and touch left to left side59-60Cross left over right and touch right to right side61Stomp right slightly in front of left62Clap63&64Push both hands down beside body and hold positionREPEAT