Sow'n Oats

Peter Fry (AUS)
Cotton Pickin' Time - Blake Shelton

&1&Step right to right side and tilt head to right, step left in place and tilt head to left tilt head right
2&3Tilt head left, shimmy right shoulder back & left shoulder forward, shimmy left shoulder back & right shoulder forward
&4Shimmy right shoulder back & left shoulder forward, shimmy left shoulder back & right forward
&5&6-7-8Bounce right hip up, down, up, down, kick right to right side, kick right to right side
1&2-3&Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right in place, step left behind right, step right to right side
4-5-6Step left in place, step right behind left, make ¼ turn left & step left forward
7-8Step right forward making a full turn left on ball of right foot, step left forward
&1-2-3Step right to right side, step left in place, kick right across in front of left, make ¼ turn right & touch right toe forward
4-5-6Drop heel & take weight onto right foot, step left forward, pivot ½ turn right
7-8Step left forward, touch right beside left
&1-2-3-4Replace weight onto right, step left forward, step right to right side, replace weight onto left, step right behind left
5-6-7Touch left to left side, make ¼ turn left & hook left heel in front of right shin, step left forward
&8Lock right behind left, step left forward
&1&2&3Scoot back on left, step right forward, scoot back on right, step left forward, scoot back on left, step right forward
&4Scoot back on right, step left forward
Restart from here on walls 2 and 4
&5&Hitch right knee, step right forward to right 45, lock left behind right
6&7&8Step right forward to right 45, hitch left knee, step left forward to left 45, lock right behind left, step left forward to left 45
&1-2-3Step right beside left, step left forward, replace weight back onto right, make ¼ turn left & step left to left side
4-5-6Cross right over in front of left, make ¼ turn right & step left back, make ½ turn right & step right forward
7&8Make ¼ turn right & step left to left side, step right together, make ¼ turn right & step left back
&1&2Step right back to right 45, touch left heel forward to left 45, replace weight back onto left, step right beside left
&3&4Step left back to left 45, touch right heel forward to right 45, step forward on right, touch left beside right
&5&6Step left to left side, step right to right side, step left beside right, cross right over in front of left
7-8Unwind ½ turn left (end with weight on right foot), clap hands together
&1&2&Scoot back on right, touch left toe back, scoot back on right, touch left heel forward, scoot back on right
3&4&5Step left back, step right together, step left back, scoot back on left, touch right toe back
&6&7-8Scoot back on left, touch right heel forward, scoot back on left, step right back, step left together


On walls 2 & 4 dance the first 36 counts and restart dance