Sugar Town Rock
William Sevone (UK)
Sugar Town - Nancy Sinatra
3X ROCK, SYNCOPATED VINE, 2X ROCK, CROSS (12:00)1-2Rock right to right, rock onto left3Rock onto right4&5Cross step left behind right, step right next to left, cross step left over right6-7Rock right to right, rock onto left8Cross step right over left3X ROCK, SYNCOPATED VINE, 2X ROCK, DIAGONAL (12:00)9-10Rock left to left side, rock onto right11Rock onto left12&13Cross step right behind left, step left next to right, cross step right over left14-15Rock left to left, rock onto right16Step left diagonally forward right On wall 3, dance to count 16, then repeat, remembering on count 16 it's a cross step both times (32 counts in total), after which restart the dance4X SCUFF FORWARD-DIAGONAL STEP (12:00)17-18Scuff right forward, step right diagonally forward left19-20Scuff left forward, step left diagonally forward right21-22Scuff right forward, step right diagonally forward left22-24Scuff left forward, step left diagonally forward right3X 1/3 RIGHT SHUFFLES (WITH EXPRESSION) (12:00)25&26Shuffle 1/3 right stepping: right, left-right27&28Shuffle 1/3 right stepping: left, right-left29&30Shuffle 1/3 right stepping: right, left-right With lead foot - dip same shoulder, e.g.: 25&26 - dip right shoulder2X VAUDEVILLE-TOGETHER-CROSS (12:00)31-32Step left to left side, cross step right behind left&33Step left next to right, touch right heel diagonally forward right&34Step right next to left, cross step left over right35-36Step right to right side, cross step left behind right&37Step right next to left, touch left heel diagonally forward left&38Step left next to right, cross step right over left2X ROCK, ROCK-¼-FORWARD, 2X ROCK (3:00)39-40Rock left to left side, rock onto right41&42Rock onto left, turning ¼ right - step right next to left, step forward onto left43-44Rock right to right side, rock onto leftREPEATDANCE FINISH The dance will finish facing home/12:00 after completing the turning shuffles on the 5th wall