Rae Gillott (UK)
Sunday Sunrise - Anne Murray
HALF GRAPEVINE, SHUFFLE, SWEEP TURN, RIGHT COASTER STEP1-2Step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right3&4Right side shuffle5-6Sweep left foot round making a half turn to the right and taking weight onto left7&8Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on rightSTEP LOCK, SHUFFLE, SWEEP TURN, HIP SWIRL9-10Step left foot forward, lock right foot behind left11&12Left shuffle13-14Sweep right foot round making a half turn to the left15-16To the right swirl of the hipsSTEP POINTS, CROSS UNWIND, LEFT SHUFFLE17-18Step forward right, point left to left side19-20Cross left over right, point right to right side21-22Cross right over left and unwind a half turn over left shoulder23&24Step left foot to left, bring right beside left and step left foot to leftDIAGONAL RIGHT STEP SWAY SHUFFLE, LEFT STEP SWAY SHUFFLE25-26Step right foot diagonally forward and sway hips right & left27&28Step right diagonally forward and close left to it and step right foot forward29-30Step left foot diagonally forward and sway hips left and right31&32Step left foot diagonally forward, close right foot to it and step leftREPEAT