Terlingua Sky

Intermediate waltz
Tom Glover (AUS)
Terlingua Sky - Gary P. Nunn

1-3Cross left over right, rock/step right to right, replace weight onto left
4-6Right forward left forward, ¼ pivot to right weight on right
1-3Cross left over right, rock/step right to right, replace weight onto left
4-6Right forward left forward, ½ pivot to right weight on right
1-3Step left forward, right beside left, left beside right
4-6Right back, ½ turn left and step onto left, right beside left
1-3Step left forward ½ turn left and step right back, left beside right
4-6Step right back, left beside right, right beside left
1-3Cross left over right, rock/step right to right, replace weight onto left
4-6Cross right over left, step left to side, right behind left
1-3Step left to side, slide right to left foot taking 2 counts
4-6Traveling to right full turn right-left-right
1-3Left over right at 45 degrees right, right beside left, left beside right (facing 45 degrees right)
4-6(Still facing 45 degrees right) right back, left beside right, right beside left
1-3Cross left over right, right to right, (square up to new wall) step left back
4-6Step right back, sweep left in an arc & touch to left side, hold


On the 4th wall, at count 24, restart the dance facing the front wall