Traces Of Time

Improver waltz
Janet Jolliffe (USA)
A Bad Way of Saying Goodbye - Trace Adkins

1-3Cross rock right over left, recover back on left, step right to right side
4-6Cross rock left over right, recover back on right, step left to left with ¼ to the left
1-3Basic waltz forward right, left, right
4-6Basic waltz backward left- right, left
1-3Step forward on right, point left toes to left side, hold 1 count
4-6Step left behind right, rock right to right side, recover back on left
1-3Step right behind left, point left toes to left side, hold 1 count
4-6Cross left over right, rock right to right side, recover back on left
1-3Cross rock right over left, recover back on left, step right to right with ¼ to the right
4-6Rock forward on left, recover back on right starting ½ to the left, finish turn stepping forward on left
1-3Basic waltz forward right, left, right
4-6Left coast step left, right, forward on left
1-3Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn to the left, step forward on right
4-6Rock forward on left, recover back on right, step left to left with ¼ to the left
1-3Basic waltz forward right, left, right
4-6Basic waltz backward left, right, left