Walking Away

Intermediate waltz
Errol Colomb (UK)
Walkin' Away - Clint Black

1-3Cross step right over in front of left, step left to left, step right beside left
4-6Cross step left over in front of right, ¼ turn left and step right to right with, ¼ turn left and step left to left with
7-9Cross step right over in front of left, step left to left, step right beside left
10-12Cross step left over in front of right, ¼ turn left and step right to right, ¼ turn left and step left to left
13-15Step right forward pivot, turn ½ turn right and step left beside right, step right beside left
16-18Step left back, turn ½ turn right and step right beside left, step left beside right
19-21Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
22-24Step left forward, kick right forward, kick right forward
25-27Sweep right front to back and step behind left, step left to left, step right to right
28-30Step left behind right, turn ¼ turn right and step right to right, rock step left to left side
31-33Turn ¼ right and step right foot forward, turn ½ right and step left foot back, turn ¼ right and step right foot together
34-36Cross step left over in front of right, step right to right with ¼ turn left, step left beside right
37-39Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
40-42Step left forward, turn ½ turn left and step right beside left, step left beside right
43-45Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
46-48Cross step left over in front of right, step right to right side, step left beside right

Start 3 beats into song (during instrumental introduction) or 51 beats into song following the introduction and after the singer says "walking away". If the Second Option is used finish the dance on last wall substituting steps 46-48 as follows:

46-48Cross step left over right, turn ¼ turn left and step right to right, turn ¼ turn left and step left beside right