Jed's Dance

Jodi Page (AUS)
Hillbilly Rap - Neal McCoy

1-2Stepping forward on right push hips forward twice (pushing both hands down to hips twice)
3-4Stepping forward on left push hips forward twice (pushing both hands down to hips twice)

&5Scoot back on left hitching right, step right forward
&6Scoot back on right hitching left, step left forward
&7Scoot back on left hitching right, step forward on right
&8Scoot back on right hitching left, step left forward
1-8Repeat above 8 counts
1-4Step right to right side, rock weight onto left, hitch right, step right across left
5-8Step left to left side, rock weight onto right, hitch left, step left across right
1-4Unwind ¾ turn right (2 counts), shuffle forward right-left-right
&5-6Step left forward, step right forward (feet slightly apart), slap both hands on bottom
7-8Roll hips in an to the left roll for 2 counts
&Step left back
1-4Body roll down for two counts, body roll up for two counts
If body roll up and down cannot be done a single body roll with a hold will do
5-8Step left to left, step right beside left, step left to left, touch right beside left
1-4(Turning ¾ turn right) step onto right turning ¼ turn right, step onto left turning ¼ turn right, step onto right turning ¼ turn right, touch left beside right
5-6Step back on left, step back on right
7&8Coaster step: step left back, step right beside left, step forward left