Going Strait

Terry Hogan (AUS)
Overnight Male - George Strait

1-2Step forward on right foot, hold
3-4Step forward on left foot, hold
5Step forward at 45 degrees right on right foot
6Step left foot forward to the side of right foot to finish with feet shoulder width apart
7-8Step right foot back & slightly to left, step left foot across behind right
9Step right foot to right side pushing hips to right
10Rock weight onto left foot pushing hips slightly to left
11-12Making ¼ turn right on ball of left foot step right foot forward, hold
13-14Step left foot forward, hold
15Scuff right heel forward with force to make sound
16Raise & lower left heel with force to make sound while raising right knee to front
17Stomp right heel beside left foot
18Raise & lower left heel with force while raising right foot slightly off the floor
19Step forward on right foot,
20On ball of foot make ¼ pivot turn left transferring weight to left foot
21-22Repeat previous counts 19-20
23-44Repeat previous counts 1-22
45-46Step forward right-left
47Rock back on right foot
48Touch left foot beside right
49-50Step forward on left foot, hold
51-52Step forward on right foot, hold
53-54Step forward left-right
55-56Step back on left foot, hold
57-58Step back on right foot, hold
59Step back on left foot
60Step right foot beside left
61-62Step left foot to left, hold
63-64Sway/rock to the right taking weight on right foot, hold
65-66Rock to replace weight onto left foot making ¼ turn left, slide right foot to left heel
67-68Step slightly forward on left foot, scuff right foot forward