
Dannielle Hutchinson (AUS)
Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne

1&2-3&4Rock left to side, recover onto right, cross left over right, rock right to side, recover onto left, cross right over left
5-6-7&8Rock left forward, recover to right, side shuffle turning ½ left stepping left, right, left
1-4Touch right to side, turn ½ right and step right together, touch left to side, step left together
5-8Repeat 1-4
1&2-3&4Cross right over left, step left to side, step right in place, cross left over right, step right to side, step left in place
5-8Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left), step right forward, step left to side
1&2&3-4Sailor step stepping right, left, right, step left together, rock right to side, recover to left
5&6&7-8Touch right heel forward, step right together, touch left heel forward, step left together, step right forward, step left forward
1&2-3-4Kick right forward, step right together, step left in place, step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)
5-6-7&8Turn ½ left and step right back, turn ½ left and step left forward, kick right forward, step right together, step left in place
1-2-3&4Stomp right forward, stomp left forward, bump shoulders back, bump shoulders right, bump shoulders left
5-6-7-8Touch right toe together, touch right heel to side, slap inside of right foot with left hand, slap outside of right foot with right hand
1-2&3-4Turn ¼ right and rock right forward, recover onto left, step right together, step left back, rock right back
5&6Recover onto left, hitch right knee, turn 1/3 left and touch right to side
&7&8Repeat &6 twice (completing a full turn)
1-2-3-4Step right to side, cross left over right, step right to side, step left behind right
5-6-7-8Bump hips left, bump hips right, bump hips left, bump hips right


After walls 1 and 3

1&2-3&4Cross left behind right, step right to side, slide/step left behind right, step right behind left, turn ¾ left

5-6-7&8&Step left back, step right back, coaster step stepping left, right, left, step right together
1&2-3&4&Rock left forward, recover onto right, turn ¼ turn left and cross right over left, step left to side, step right in place, step left together
5-6-7&8Cross right over left, cross left over right, cross shuffle stepping right, left, right