Don't Stop

Matt Barrett (UK)
Don't Stop Movin' - S Club 7

Sequence: (Start the dance 16 counts into track) A, A (1-32), B, A (1-48), B, A (1-40), B (1-32), B, A (1-8)

1-2Step right forward, hold
3-4Turn head left, turn body left
5-6Step right forward, hold
7-8Turn head left, turn body left
These steps are done robotically
&9&10Side left, right across left, side left, right behind left
&11&12Side left, right together, heels and arm go up and down
&13&16Same as above but leading with the right
17-20Right ½ Monterey turn, tap left next to right
21-22-23&24Left lock step with a left shuffle forward
25-26Right rock forward and back
27&28½ Turn with right shuffle forward
29-30Full turn to the right in two half turns starting on the left for ½ then on the right for ½
31-32Skate left and right forward
33-34Left rock out and in
35&36Left sailor step
37-38Right rock out and in
39&40Right sailor step
41-44Left rolling grapevine
45-48Right rolling grapevine
&49-52Hitch left knee, step left to side, slide right to meet left
&53-55Hitch right knee, step right to side, slide left to meet right
&56-57Step onto left, right cross over left, hold
58-59Turn head left, hold
60-63Then slowly unwind ¾ to left


1&2&Jump feet apart at diagonals (right forward, left back), jump feet together hitching left knee, jump feet apart at diagonals (left forward, right back), jump feet together hitching right knee
3&4&Jump feet apart, jump feet together (both feet on floor) jump feet apart, jump feet together hitching left knee
5&6&Jump feet apart at diagonals (left forward, right back), jump feet together hitching right knee, jump feet apart at diagonals (right forward left back), jump feet together hitching left knee
7&8&Jump feet apart, jump feet together. Jump feet apart, jump feet together(weight on left)
9&10Kick right forward, step onto right, tap left to left
11-12Bump hips left roll hips to right while turning a ¼ right
13-16Strut right strut left
17&18Kick right, kick left
&19&20Right shuffle forward
21&22Kick left, kick right
&23&24Left shuffle forward
25-28Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side, cross left over right
29-32Step right back, left to side, step right forward pivot ¼ turn left
33-36Scuff right to side, scuff left to side
37-38Look down to the floor look forward
39-40Arms to the left as if holding a rope (head also faces left). As you pull arms to chest right slides next to left
These steps are done robotically
41&42&Right tap right, together, left tap left, together
43-44Right tap right, ¼ turn left (weight back on right)
45-46Rock body forward onto left bending right knee, rock back onto right bending left knee
47-48Repeat steps 45-46
49&50Left side shuffle left
51-52Rock back onto right rock forward onto left
53&54Right side shuffle right
55-56Rock back onto left rock forward onto right
57&58Left shuffle forward
59-60Right ronde ½ turn to left (weight on left)