Crocodile Shoes (P)

Luke Bartlett (UK) & Di Bartlett (UK)
Crocodile Shoes - Jimmy Nail

Position: Side-By-Side position holding inside hands
1-2Right foot step forward, left foot lock behind right
3Right foot step forward
4Left foot brush pass right with ¼ turn to the right
5-6Left foot step to the side, right foot step behind left
7-8Left foot step to the side, right foot step next to left
9-10MAN: Swivel heels to left side, swivel toes to left side
 LADY: Step left foot to left side, slide right foot next to left
11-12MAN: Swivel heels to left side, swivel toes to center
 LADY: Step left foot to left side, slide right foot next to left
13-14MAN: Step right foot to right side, slide left foot next to right
 LADY: Swivel heels to right side, swivel toes to right side
15-16MAN: Step right foot to right side, slide left foot next to right
 LADY: Swivel heels to right side, swivel toes to center
17-18Right foot step forward, pivot ¼ turn to left
Let go of hands
19-20MAN: Right foot over left, pivot ½ turn left
 LADY: Right foot step forward, pivot ½ turn on right foot at the same time bringing left foot next to right
You should now both be facing RLOD: side by side holding hands
21-22Right foot kick forward twice
23-24Step back on right foot, touch back with left toe
25-26Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ to right letting go of hands back into LOD
27&28Left shuffle forward diagonally to right
29&30Right shuffle forward diagonally to left
31&32Left shuffle forward diagonally to right