Cha Cha Bermuda

Jan Wyllie (AUS)
Bermuda Triangle - Eddy Raven

1-2Touch right toe across left towards the left diagonal (left corner), hold
3-4Making a ¼ turn right step forward on right, making a ½ turn right step back on left
5&6Making ¼ turn right shuffle to the right (right, left, right)
If you have trouble with the turns at counts 3,4,5&6 above, just do this instead
3-4-5&6Step right to right, step left beside right, shuffle to the right (right, left, right)
7-8Rock/step forward on left, rock back on right
9-10Step back on left slightly towards the left diagonal (back left corner), hold
&Lock/step right across in front of left
11-12Step back on left, rock/step back on right
13-14-15-16Walk forward left, right, left, right
17-18-19-20Rock/step forward on left, rock back on right, step back on left, hook right across left shin
21-22-23-24Rock/step forward on right, rock back on left, step back on right, hook left across right shin
25-26Rock/step forward on left, rock back on right
27&28Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left (coaster step)
29Step forward on right while making ¼ turn left
30-31-32Rock/sway hips to the left, to the right, to the left


At the end of the 4th wall there are 4 extra beats to take up, so just do a box step

1-2-3-4Step right across left, step back on left, step right to right, step left beside right