Big Hair

Jan Wyllie (AUS)
Big Hair - The Bellamy Brothers

1-2Heel strut forward on right foot
3-4Heel strut forward on left foot
5-6Step ball of right foot to right side, drop right heel to floor
7Stamp left foot beside right foot
8Stamp right foot beside left foot
9-10Heel strut forward on left foot
11-12Heel strut forward on right foot
13-14Step ball of left foot to left side, drop left heel to floor
15Stamp right foot beside left foot
16Stamp left foot beside right foot
17Touch heel of right foot to floor at 45 degrees right
18Touch toes of right foot across in front of and beside left foot
19Touch heel of right foot to floor at 45 degrees right
20Stamp right foot beside left foot
21Touch heel of left foot to floor at 45 degrees left
22Touch toes of left foot across in front of and beside right foot
23Touch heel of left foot to floor at 45 degrees left
24Stamp left foot beside right foot
25-26Step forward on right, step left beside right
27-28Step back on right, step left beside right
29-30Stamp forward on right, hold
31Pivoting on the balls of feet make a ¼ turn to the left
32Transfer weight to left leg