Volcano Delight

Johnny Andreasson (SWE) - November 2007
Volcano - Jimmy Buffett

Section 1: Hip bumps, Hip bumps, Full turn on the spot, Step
1 & 2 Step forward left, bumping hips - left, right, left
3 & 4 Step forward right, bumping hips - right, left, right
5, 6, 7 Full turn rigt - left, right, left
8 Step forward right

Section 2: Hip bumps, Hip bumps, Full turn on the spot, Step
1 & 2 Step forward left, bumping hips - left, right, left
3&4 Step forward right, bumping hips - right, left, right
5, 6, 7 Full turn right - left, right, left
8 Step forward right

Section 3: Mambo step, Coaster step, Rock & Cross, Rock & Cross
1 & 2 Rock forward on left, recover on right, step left next to right.
3 & 4 Step back right. Step left beside right. Step forward right
5 & 6 Rock left. Recover on right and cross left over right
7 & 8 Rock right. Recover on left and cross right over left

Section 4: Chasse left, Rock step, Step turn 1/4 left, Cross shuffle
1 & 2 Chasse left - left, right, left
3, 4 Rock back on right, recover on left.
5, 6 Step forward on right and turn 1/4 to the left.
7 & 8 Cross shuffle left - Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Cross right over left.

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