Little Sally

Sue Barnes (UK) - December 2007
Sea Salt Sally - Rick Guard

(36 count intro)

Two Walks x2. 2x shuffle forward
1-2 Walk Right Left (on the spot)
3&4 Shuffle forward right, left right.
5-6 Walk Left Right (on the Spot)
7&8 Shuffle forward left, right, left.

Mambo Right, Mambo Left 4x walks Back.
1&2 Rock Right to right side recover onto left, touch right beside left
3&4 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, touch left beside right.
5-6 Walk back right, left
7-8 Walk back right, left
Note: Add claps on the walks back.

Heel toe heel twists right and left
1-2 Twist both feet to the right Heels toes
3-4 Heels Hold.
5-6 Twist both feet to the left Heels toes
7-8 Heels hold.

(4)x paddle steps turning 3/4 left. 2x Sailor Steps.
1 Step forward right turning over left shoulder (11 o'clock)
2 Step forward right turning left (9pm)
3 Step forward right turning left (6PM)
4 Step forward right turning left (3pm)
5&6 Step right behind left, step left to left side. Step right to place.
7&8 Step left behind Right, step right to right side. step left to place.

Charleston Steps
1-2 Sweep right foot forward, digging right heel. Take right foot back. Weight on right foot.
3-4 Touch Left toe back. Sweep left foot forward.

Begin again.