Turkish Kisses

Jytte Kristensen (DK) - March 2008
Simarik - Tarkan : (CD: Olurum Sana 97)

Intro: 32 counts

(1-8) mambo forward r, mambo backward l, mambocross r, mambocross l
1 & 2 mambostep forward on right foot, recover
3 & 4 mambostep backwards on left foot, recover
5 & 6 step right to right, recover weight on left, step right foot over left
7 & 8 step left to left, recover weight on right, step left foot over right

(9 – 16) locksteps back r , coasterstep, locksteps forward r, rockingchair
1 & 2 step back on right, left, right, with legs crossed
3 & 4 step back on left, right, step forward on left
5 & 6 step forward on right crossing over left, forward on left and right with legs crossed
7 & 8 step forward on left, step backwards on left

(17-24) 2 * ¼ paddleturn l, kickballturn l, 2 hipbumps
1 - 2 step forward on right, ¼ turn left in place
3 - 4 step forward on right, ¼ left in place
5 & 6 kick right foot forward, step right foot beside left, recover weight on left while turning ¼ left
7 - 8 hipbumps right and left

(25-32) chasse r, backrock, chasse l, backrock
1 & 2 step right foot right, left beside right, right foot right
3 - 4 step left foot behind right, recover weight on right
5 & 6 step left foot left, right beside left, left foot left
7 - 8 step right foot behind left, recover weight on left

TAG 1: hiprolls cw right on 4 counts as count 33-36 facing wall 2 first time, after dancing the whole 32 counts first time

TAG 2: hiprolls cw right on 4 counts as count 33-36 facing wall 4 first time

RESTART 1: facing wall 3 first time after 2 sections (16 counts)

RESTART 2: facing wall 3 second time after 3 sections (24 counts)

Or like this: 32 counts + tag (4 counts) + 32 counts + 16 counts + restart+ 32 counts + tag (4 counts) + 32 counts + 32 counts + 24 counts + restart + 32 counts + 32 counts

Have fun and remember, extras like kissing, swaying and some "belly-dancer-rhytms" suits this dance very well