
Moses Bourassa Jr. (USA) & Barbara Frechette (USA) - August 2008
Baby Rocks - Phil Vassar

This dance can be done in Contra in slot positions.

Toe Points,Side Shuffle,Rock Step,Recover Step
1-2 point left to left side,return to center (keeping weight on right)
3-4 point left to left side,return to center (keeping weight on right)
5&6 side shuffle to the left left,right,left
7-8 rock back on right,recover on left

Toe Points,Side Shuffle,Rock Step,Recover Step
1-2 Point right to right side,return to center (keeping eight on left)
3-4 Point right to right side,return to center (keeping weight on left)
5&6 side shuffle to the right right,left,right
7-8 rock back on left,recover on right

Forward Shuffles,1/4 CCW Turn,Behind Step
1&2 forward shuffle left,right,left
3&4 forward shuffle right,left,right
5&6 Forward shuffle left,right,left

When doing contra,doing this turn clap opposition's hands
7-8 step forward on right making ¼ CCW Turn,step left behind right

¼ CW Turning Shuffle,1/4 CW Turn,Behind Step,1/4 CCW Turning Shuffle,Forward Step,1/2 CCW Turn
1&2 Step right making ¼ CW Turn,step forward on left,step forward on right

When doing contra,doing this turn clap opposition's hands
3-4 step forward on left making ¼ CW Turn,step right behind left
5&6 step left making ¼ CCW Turn,step forward on right,step forward on left
7-8 Step forward on right,step left making ½ CCW Turn

Toe Points,Forward Shuffle,Modified Jazz Box
1-2 Point right to right side,return to center (putting weight on right)
3-4 Point left to left side,return to center (keeping weight on lef t)
5&6 forward shuffle left,right,left
7&8 cross right over left,step back on left,step right next to left

Forward Steps,Kick,Back Steps,Modified Coaster Steps
1-2 step forward on left,step forward on right

when doing contra,at kick clap hands with opposition.
3-4 step forward on left,kick forward with right
5-6 Step back on right,step back on left
7&8 step back on right,step back left stomp right next to left

End of Dance