Mindless Fun

Steve Brain (UK) & Chris Gibbons (UK) - September 2008
All Summer Long - Kid Rock : (CD: Rock N Roll Jesus)

Start dancing on lyrics

Or Music:
Free Your Mind by En Vogue [Funky Divas]
Country Ain't A Feeling by HWY 5 [CD: Dirty EP]
You Look Good In My Shirt by Keith Urban [117 bpm / Golden Road]

Right Scuff, Stomp, Heel Taps, Left Scuff, Stomp, Heel Taps
1-2 Scuff right, stomp right forward
3&4 Touch right heel in place 3 times
5-6 Scuff left, stomp left forward
7&8 Touch left heel in place 3 times

Slide Right, Hip Bumps, Chase Left, Right Sailor
1-2 Slide right foot to right side, slide left next to right
3-4 Bump hips to left - twice
5&6 Step left to left, step right together, step left to left
7&8 Cross right behind left, step left to left, step righ t to right

¼ Left Sailor, Turning Struts, Touch, Kick
1&2 Turn ¼ left and cross left behind right, step right to right, step left to left
3-4 Right toe strut forward (toe-heel)
5-6 Turn ½ right (on right ball) into left toe strut backwards (toe-heel)
7-8 Turn ½ right (on left ball) touch right toe next to left, kick right foot forward

Right Cross Back Side, Left Lock Shuffle Forward, Step ½ Sweep, Left ¾ Turning Triple
1&2 Cross right over left, step left foot back, step right to side
3&4 Step left forward, slide right locked behind left, step left forward
5-6 Step right forward, sweep left as you turn ½ turn left
7&8 Turn ¾ left as you do a left triple step (or sailor step) (left-right-left)

To make it easier just make 5,6 7&8 all one long sweep and triple step thru 1 ¼ turns
