Amor Latino

Sadiah Heggernes (NOR/UK) - November 2008
Amor Latino - Belle Perez : (CD: Gotitas De Amor)

Intro: 28 count intro –start on main vocals (after drums)
*1 restart during wall 2
*1st tag during wall 4
*2nd tag during wall 5

Section 1: Side, Together, Back, Chasse ¼ Turn, Pivot, ½ Turn, Kick Ball Step
1-2 Step right to right side. Step left beside right
3 Step back on right
4&5 Step left to left side. Step right beside left. ¼ turn left stepping forward left (9:00)
6-7 Step forward on right. Pivot ½ turn left
8&1 Kick right forward. Small step down on right. Small step forward on left 3:00

Section 2: Step, Hip Bumps, Lock Step, ¼ Turn, Side, Behind, Side Touch
2-3 Small step forward on right, bump hips right then left
4&5 Step forward on right. Lock left behind right. Step forward on right
6-7 ¼ turn right stepping left to left side. Cross right behind left 6:00
&8 Step left to left side. Touch right beside left.

Section 3: Side, Together, Back, Chasse ¼ Turn, Pivot, ½ Turn, Kick Ball Step
1-2 Step right to right side. Step left beside right
3 Step back on right
4&5 Step left to left side. Step right beside left. ¼ turn left stepping forward left (3:00)
6-7 Step forward on right. Pivot ½ turn left
8&1 Kick right diagonally forward. Small step down on right. Small step forward on left (9:00)

Section 4: Skates x 3, Cross, Side Rock x 2
2,3,4 Skate diagonally forward right, left, right (9:00)
5&6 Cross left over right. Rock right to right side. Recover weight on left
7&8 Cross right over left.. Rock left to left side. Recover weight on right

Section 5: Figure of 8 Vine
1-2 Step left to left side. Step right behind left
3-4 ¼ turn left stepping forward left. Step forward right (6:00)
5-6 ½ pivot turn left, ¼ turn left step right to right side (9:00)
7-8 Cross left behind right .Step right to right side

Section 6: Close, ¼ Turn, Step, Full Turn, Paddle ½ Turn
&1 Small step left beside right. ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (12:00)
2,3,4 ½ turn right stepping back on left. ½ turn right stepping forward right. Step forward left
Option: Counts 2,3, Walk forward left, right
5-6 Step forward on right. Pivot ¼ turn left
7-8 Step forward on right. Pivot ¼ turn left (6:00)
Restart here during 2nd wall (facing 12:00)
*1st tag here during 4th wall (facing 12:00) start dance from beginning
*2nd.tag here during 5th wall (facing 6:00) start dance from beginning

Tag: 1-4 Small step with right to right side swaying hips, right, left, right, left

Section 7: Figure of 8 Vine
1-2 Step right to right side. Step left behind right.
3-4 ¼ turn right stepping forward right. Step forward left (9:00)
5-6 ½ pivot turn right , ¼ turn right stepping left to left side.(6:00)
7-8 Cross right behind left. Step left to left side.

Section 8: Close, ¼ Turn, Step, Full Turn, ¼ Turn Jazz Box Cross, Side, Close
&1 Step right beside left. ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (3:00)
2,3,4 ½ turn left stepping back on right. ½ turn left stepping forward left. Cross right over left
Option: Counts 2,3 Walk forward right, left
5,6,7 Step back on left. ¼ turn right stepping right to right side. Cross left over right (6:00)
8& Step right to right side. Step left beside right

Choreographer’s Note:
On last wall facing 12:00 dance up to ¼ Turn Jazz Box Cross, hold for 1 count,
then add tag to finish off track.