Stand Up Routine (updt)

Jordan Lloyd (UK) - February 2009
Tonight - Jay Sean

Intro: Start after 32 counts

(1-8) Cross, Rock And Cross, Step Back ¼, Step Forward ¼, Step Out, Sailor Step.
1 Cross right over left
2&3 Rock left out to left side, recover on right, cross left over right.
4-5 Step back on right making a ¼ turn left, step forward on left making a ¼ turn left.
6 Step out to right with right foot
7&8 Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side

(9-16)Step Behind, Step Forward 1/4 , Ball Step, Step Out Out, Heel Splits, Place Right
1-2 Step right behind left, step forward on left making a ¼ turn left
&3 Step right beside left, step forward left
4-5 Step out right, step out left
6-7 Split right heel to right side, split left heel to left side
(Dipping your body slightly as you do this)
8 Step right next to left
(Stand back upright)

(17-24) Rock, Behind Side Touch & Step, Step Back ¼ , Step Forward ¼, Step side ¼
1-2 Rock left foot out to left, recover weight back onto right
3&4 Step left behind right , step right to right side, touch left forward
&5 Bring left next to right, step forward right
6-7-8 Step back on left making a ¼ turn right, step forward right making a ¼ turn right, step left to left side making ¼ turn right.

(25-32) Behind Side Cross, Pop Knees, Step Back, Step Forward ½ Ball Step, Touch Cross
1&2 Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right slightly over left
&3 Pop both knees up then down (While legs are slightly crossed) Making sure weight is forward on right
4-5 Step back on left, step forward on right making a half turn right
&6 Step left next to right, step forward on right
7-8 Touch left to left , cross left over right

(33-40) Step Out Out Split, Ball Cross, ¼ Rock Step, Ball Step Back , Cross Turn1& ¼
1-2 Step right to right, step left to left,
3&4 Split right heel to right, step left next to right, cross right over left
5-6 Rock forward on left making a ¼ turn left, recover back on right
&7-8 Step back on left, cross right over left, turn 1&¼ turn over left

(41-48) Step Forward, Hold, Cross Step Back ¼ , Out Out, Pop Both Knees Up, Down , Behind Side Cross
1-2 Step right forward, hold
3-4 Cross left over right, step back on right making a ¼ turn left
&5 Step left to left side, step right to right side
&6 Pop both knees up then down
7&8 Step right behind left , step left to left, cross right over left.

(49-56) Sweep Cross, Back Back, Hitch Behind Side Step ¼ , Cross Back Side ¼
1-2 Sweep left around, cross left over right
&3-4 Step back on right, step left back next to right, hitch right
5&6 Step right behind left, step forward on left making a ¼ turn, step forward on right
7&8 Cross left over right, step back on right making a ¼ turn left, step left to left.

(57-64) Step Behind Touch, Step Behind, Walk Walk, Kick & Touch & Touch
1-2 Step right behind left, touch left to left
3 Step left behind right
4-5 Walk right, left
6&7 Kick right foot forward, bring right next to left, point left to left
&8 Step left next to right, point right to right.

Restart on wall 5, dance up to count 32 except on count 32 step left inplace instead of crossing over right.
Then restart from the begining. You will be facing the back wall.

Have Fun And Enjoy!!

Jordan –