
Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Regina Cheung (CAN) - March 2009
Circus - Britney Spears

Sequence : AB-Tag 1-C-Tag 2; ABC-Tag 2; ACC
Descriptions: A-32 count, B-48 count, C-32 count, Tag 1-4 count, Tag 2-8 count

Dance Note :
Tag 1: 4 count only happens once at the first set after AB
Tag 2: 8 count happens twice at the end of the first 2 sets
The 3rd A after the second Tag 2 : you should do a 3/4 shuffle right turn to face 12:00 to finish the last CC
Intro: 16 count

A – 32 count
Heel-Together-Touch-Step. Heel-Together-Touch. 2x Side Mambo (12:00)
1&2& Touch left heel forward, step left next to right, touch right next to left, step right in place.
3& 4 Touch left heel forward, step left next to right, touch right beside left.
5& 6 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, step right next to left
7& 8 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, step left next to right

Rock. Recover. Coaster 1/4 Left. Fwd. Touch. 2x Bwd Toe Points. Bwd. Touch (9:00)
1 - 2 Rock fwd onto right. Recover onto left.
3& 4 Step bwd onto right, step left next to right, turn 1/4 left & step fwd onto right (9:00)
5&6& Step fwd onto left, touch right beside, step bwd onto right, point left forward
7&8& Step bwd onto left, point right forward, step bwd onto right, touch left next to right

Twox Side Mambo. Fwd Mambo. Sailor 1/2 Right (3:00)
1& 2 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, step left next to right
3& 4 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, step right next to left
5& 6 Rock fwd, recover onto right, step left next to right
7& 8 Step right behind left, step left next to right, turn 1/2 right & step forward onto right

Twox Dorothy’s. Fwd Mambo. Sailor 1/2 Right (9:00)
1-2& Step left diagonal. Lock right behind left, step left diagonal (1:30).
3-4& Step right diagonal. Lock left behind right, step right diagonal (4:30)
5-&6 Rock fwd, recover onto right, step left next to right
7-&8 Step right behind left, step left next to right, turn 1/2 right & step fwd onto right

B – 48 count
Side Rock. Recover. Behind-Side-Cross. Kick Ballcross, Hitch Ballcross (9:00)
1 - 2 Rock left to left side. Recover onto right
3& 4 Step left behind right, step right next to left, cross left over right.
5& 6 Right kick forward, step right next to left, cross left over right
7& 8 Hitch right knee, step right next to left, cross left over right (9:00)

Side Rock. Recover. Behind-Side-Cross. Kick Ballcross. Side Rock. Recover (9:00)
1 - 2 Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.
3& 4 Step left behind right, step left next to right, cross right over left.
5& 6 Left kick forward, step left next to right, cross right over left
7 - 8 Left step to left side, recover onto right (9:00)

Coaster. Fwd 1/2 Left Pivot. 2x Moving 1/2 Turn Triple Step (3:00)
1& 2 Step bwd onto left, step right next to left, step fwd onto left.
3 - 4 Step forward onto right. Pivot ½ left (3:00)
5& 6 (moving backward) Triple step 1/2 left (right left right)
7& 8 (moving forward) Triple step 1/2 left (left right left)

Fwd-Pivot 1/4-Cross. Side-Behind-Side. Cross. Unwind full turn Left Sweep.
Step Cross (12:00)
1& 2 Step forward onto right, pivot ¼ left (weight on left), cross right over left (12:00)
3& 4 Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side
5 - 6 Cross right over left. Unwind full left (sweeping left from front to behind right) (1:30).
7& 8 Step onto left, step right next to left, cross left over right.

Side-Cross. Point. Cross. Point. Cross. Bwd. Together. Cross (12:00)
&1-2 Step right to right side, cross left over right, point right to right side
3 - 4 Cross right over left. Point left to left side.
5 - 6 Cross left over right. Step bwd onto right.
7 - 8 Step left next to right. Cross right over left.

Twox Side Rock-Recover-Cross. 2x Side-Touch (12:00)
1& 2 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, cross left over right.
3& 4 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross right over left.
5 - 6 Step left to left side. Touch right next to left
7 - 8 Step right to right side. Touch left next to right

Tag 1: 4 count - only happens once at the first set after AB :
Cross Back Side Together
1 2 Cross left over right. Step bwd onto right
3 4 Step left to left side. Step right next to left

C – 32 count (all 12:00)
Twox Cross-Bwd-Heel-Fwd. Cross-Side-Side. Cross. Side.
1&2& Cross left over right, step bwd onto right, touch left heel forward, step fwd onto left.
3&4& Cross right over left, step bwd onto left, touch right heel forward, step fwd onto right.
5& 6 Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left to left side
7 - 8 Step right over left. Step left to left side.

Twox Grapevine-Touch.
1 - 4 Step right to right side. Step left behind right. Step right to right side. Touch left next to right.
5 - 8 Step left to left side. Step right behind left. Step left to left side. Touch right next to left.

Side Touch-Together-Side Touch. Sailor. 2x Hip Sway, Sailor.
1& 2 Touch right to right side, step right foot next to left, touch left to left side
3& 4 Step left behind right, step right next to left, step left to left side.
5 - 6 Sway hips to right side. Sway hips to left side
7& 8 Step right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side.

Twox Cross-Bwd-Heel-Fwd. Cross-Side-Side. Cross. Side.
1&2& Cross left over right, step bwd onto right, touch left heel forward, step fwd onto left.
3&4& Cross right over left, step bwd onto left, touch right heel forward, step fwd onto right.
5& 6 Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left to left side
7 - 8 Step right over left. Step left to left side.

Tag 2: 8 count - happens twice at the end of the first 2 sets :
Six-x Skate. Kick-Ball-touch (traveling forward)
1 - 6 6 skates forward right, left, right, left, right, left
7& 8 Kick right forward, step right next to left, touch left next to right

The 3rd A after the second Tag 2 :
You should do a 3/4 shuffle right turn to face 12:00 to finish the last CC