It's Fine

Alan Haywood (UK) - March 2009
It's Alright - Seal

Intro: 32 count intro, start on word 'alright'

Right Side, Slide & Cross Shuffle, Rock ¼ Left, Recover, Triple ½ Left
1-2 Step right to side, slide/touch left together
&3&4 Step left together, cross right over left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-6 Turn ¼ left and rock left forward, recover to right (9:00)
7&8 Triple turn ½ left stepping left, right, left (3:00)

Kick Right, & Kick Left, & Right Forward Shuffle, Rock Forward, Recover, ¼ Left Shuffle
1&2& Kick right forward, step right together, kick left forward, step left together
3&4 Step right forward, step left together, step right forward
5-6 Rock left forward, recover to right
7&8 Turn ¼ left and step left to side, step right together, step left to side (12:00)

Right Over, Left Side, Right Behind & Across, Left Side Rock, Recover, Left Behind Right ¼ Right Left Forward
1-2 Cross right over left, step left to side
3&4 Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-6 Rock left to side, recover to right
7&8 Cross left behind right, turn ¼ right and step right forward, step left forward (3:00)

Rock, Recover, ½ Sailor Right (With A Cross), Left Side Rock & Cross, Sway Right, Sway Left
1-2 Rock right forward, recover to left
3&4 Turn ½ right and cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left (9:00)
5&6 Rock left to side, step right together, cross left over right
7-8 Sway right to side, sway left to side


Towards the end of the song, the song slows, keep dancing through. Music comes back to tempo