Good Friends

Eva Pau (CAN) - May 2009
Good Friends - The Poppy Family

Start dancing on count 17

Side Toe Touches, Forward Heel Touches, Coaster Step, Forward Shuffle
1&2& Point right to side, step right next to left, point left to side, step left together
3&4 Heel right forward, step right next to left, heel left forward
5&6 Step left back, step right together, step left forward
7&8 Shuffle forward right, left, right

Forward Rock ¼ Turn, Left Sailor, Right Sailor ¼ Turn, Walk Forward Together
1-2 Rock left forward, recover on right ¼ turn right
3&4 Step left behind right, step right slightly right, step left to left
5&6 Step right behind left, step left slightly left ¼ turn left, step right forward
7-8 Walk left forward, step right together & clap

Swivel Heel Toe Heel Right & Left, Modified Monterey ¼ Turn
1&2 Swivel both heels right, swivel both toes right, swivel both heels right
3&4 Swivel both heels left, swivel both toes left, swivel both heels left
5-6 Point right to side, step right next to left ¼ turn right
7-8 Point left to side, step left forward

Charleston, Jazz Box
1-4 Point right forward, step right back, point left back, step left forward
5-6 Cross right over left, step left back
RESTART: at the END of 2nd wall facing 6:00 & 5th wall facing 9:00
7-8 Step right to right, step left forward

Jazz Box
1-2 Cross right over left, step left back
RESTART: at the END of 1st wall facing 9:00
3-4 Step right to right, step left forward
